For SaaS providers developing solutions for real estate professionals, such as real estate agents and appraisers, or for consumers, such as home buyers and sellers, it is crucial to offer software that is not only easy to use, but also provides access to reliable, up-to-date information. Data integrations via APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a vital role in this. They enable users of real estate software to work efficiently based on data-driven insights. In this article, we discuss the top 5 data integrations that every SaaS platform in the real estate industry should consider.

1. Property Value+ API

The Property Value+ API is one of the most valuable data integrations for real estate platforms. This API provides accurate, up-to-date home values, which is crucial for determining sales and appraisal prices. In addition, it provides insight into relevant property characteristics and comparable homes, allowing users to make informed decisions.

This data integration allows SaaS platforms to provide their customers with real-time market data, leading to more accurate valuations and better advice. This increases both the reliability and user-friendliness of the software, which has a direct positive impact on real estate agents and appraisers.

2. Reference Properties API

The Reference Properties API provides direct access to carefully selected comparable homes, complete with their market value and property characteristics. This makes it an essential tool for appraisers looking for objective comparison material when valuing a home.

Thanks to this data integration, real estate platforms can integrate advanced comparison functionalities. Users can easily request comparable homes based on location, property type and other relevant characteristics. This data integration not only provides efficiency, but also improves the accuracy of valuations within real estate software.

Curious how data integrations can strengthen your real estate platform?

3. Property Characteristics API

The Property Characteristics API provides access to essential information about every home in the Netherlands, such as the energy label, the number of square meters and the home type. This data integration enables real estate platforms to offer extensive home information, which is an important added value for professionals or consumers who want quick and efficient access to accurate data.

This API offers up to 15 features per home, which contributes to the quality of real estate applications. For software developers in the real estate sector, this means that they can offer their customers access to a wealth of information, which significantly accelerates and improves decision-making.

4. Purchase Price API

The Purchase Price API provides the most recent purchase prices of homes, including the indexed purchase price and sales date. This information is essential for analyzing market trends and calculating changes in the value of homes.

For SaaS parties in the real estate sector, the Purchase Price API offers the possibility to integrate real-time transaction data, so that users always have access to the most recent market information. This can be used, for example, in reports or modules that provide insight into recent sales within a specific region. This data integration increases the value of real estate platforms by providing users with crucial market information.


The WOZ API provides access to the most recent and historical WOZ values ​​(Real Estate Valuation). This value is directly linked to the tax that a homeowner has to pay and is therefore of great importance to both owners and professionals in the real estate sector. The WOZ API provides data from 2014 onwards, which makes it possible to analyse trends in home valuations.

For SaaS platforms, the WOZ API is a valuable addition, because it allows users to consult both current and historical home valuations. This contributes to a deeper insight into the value development of a home and offers additional certainty for appraisals and valuations.

Conclusion: Data integrations as the key to succes for SaaS in real estate

Data integrations are an indispensable component for SaaS platforms in the real estate sector. By integrating APIs such as the Property Value+ API, Reference Properties API, Property Characteristics API, Purchase Price API and WOZ API, SaaS providers can provide their customers with accurate, up-to-date and relevant market data. This leads to more efficient processes, more accurate decisions and an improved customer experience.

These data integrations form the backbone of many real estate software and offer users the opportunity to make data-driven decisions. SaaS providers that invest in these integrations distinguish themselves not only through their technological advances, but also by improving the reliability and customer satisfaction of their platforms.