WOZ-value API

What to expect
Based on a postal code and house number you will receive:
- The most recent WOZ value
- Historical WOZ values (since 2014)
- Essential basic information
{ "houseNumber": 42, "houseNumberExt": "B", "postalCode": "1251LB", "street": "Sint Janstraat", "city": "Laren", "municipality": "Laren", "state": "Noord-Holland", "country": "NL", "energyLabel": "D", "rooms": 1, "monument": null, "valueDate": "2024-01-01", "indexedPrice": 778100, "buildYear": 1972, "inputBuildYear": 1972, }
“With Matrixian, we have developed a wonderful assessment system for WOZ values, with which our members can advise their clients via a simple test whether it makes sense to object to a WOZ assessment. If you first send an appraiser out to have a report written, you can easily spend a few hundred euros without knowing whether it will make any difference.” Read more here.
Hans van der Ploeg
Director VBO

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