Holland Jersey produces the fullest milk of the Netherlands. That milk is not only really good, but also has a special characteristic that Holland Jersey wanted to highlight with a special marketing campaign.

What makes Jersey Melk special?

Thina van Middeldorp, office manager: ‘Jersey milk is popular because it naturally contains 20% protein but also more fat, vitamins and minerals than regular milk. Thanks to these special properties, our Jersey milk is often better to handle for people with a cow’s milk allergy. This is an important USP that we want to convey well and purposefully. This is the reason we have purchased a leads list of all dieticians in the Netherlands from Matrixian Group.

We then approached the dieticians individually via a direct mail. In this latter, the dieticians received an offer to have their clients with a cow’s milk allergy try the whole milk of Holland Jersey for free’.


The effect of working with the right leads list

‘Working with a correct and complete leads list meant that we could get to work with our campaign in a very effective way. By using a leads list for our campaign, we reached our target audience in an efficient way. This has led to a good result with a high conversion rate.’

Having a good leads list is worth gold for direct marketing campaigns. It enables the marketeer to efficiently deliver the message to the right person. The data used to compile the leads lists come from different public sources, such as the Chamber of Commerce and other government bodies. Having good data is important, but the trick is to link this data in a smart way and combine it to create valuable leads lists.