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Where are the most homes with a swimming pool ?

Are these near-tropical storms from last week a harbinger of a tropical summer? In that case, a swimming pool in the garden for a bit of cooling is extra nice. Where are the most homes with a swimming pool in the garden? We looked into it.

The top 10 places:

Municipality of Haren is number 1. Of the homes, 6.9% have a swimming pool in that municipality. What is particularly striking is that the East Brabant region, the Gooi and the Wassenaar to Bloemendaal region are doing well.

The affordability of land seems to be the main reason why certain areas have more or fewer homes with a swimming pool. This affordability is fueled by household income on the one hand and by the price of land on the other.

View here what percentage of homes in your municipality have a swimming pool in the garden.