Data and privacy part 2: Using data for marketing
As a marketeer that uses data for marketing purposes, you need to think about the protection of the privacy is your target audience, the consumer. The new European legislation involves new guidelines for you as a marketeer and new rights for consumers. What are those...
Data and privacy part 1: This is what you need to know about the GDPR if you use data.
Privacy is an important point, if not the most important point, when you use data for marketing and sales or to avoid fraud or default. Especially regarding the changes that the GDPR introduces. But understanding exactly how it works and what is and is not allowed is...
What you need to know as a company when using marketing data
Privacy is an important point, if not the most important point, when your company uses marketing data. Especially regarding the changes that the new European privacy legislation, the GDPR, introduces. Because even if you collect data of companies, you have to deal...
Increasing conversion? Also target one-on-one via social media
If you want to increase your conversion, then you need to target your customer in the most targeted way possible. Especially if you know exactly who your target audience is. Preferably, you target one-on-one. I notice that many marketeers think they are limited to...