Today, Homematrix, the consumer branch of Matrixian, introduces the Homematrix Desktop Valuation. With this innovative service, it is possible to obtain a comprehensive appraisal report within 4 hours, at significantly lower costs compared to a traditional appraisal. Thanks to the use of data and AI technology, the valuation process has been accelerated and made more affordable. This gives buyers and homeowners the opportunity to have their property appraised in an accessible manner, including the signature of a certified appraiser.

What is the Homematrix Desktop Valuation?

The Desktop Valuation marks a revolution in property valuation. As the name suggests, it is a property appraisal where the entire process takes place online. By intelligently leveraging data and artificial intelligence (AI), it is possible to conduct an exact appraisal using advanced mathematical models. Subsequently, a local appraiser verifies the value from their desk and selects the most suitable comparable properties. Homematrix collaborates closely with Taxatiepunt, a nationwide network of appraisers, for this purpose. After approval, the appraiser signs the report and sends it to the requester.

How does it work?

By digitizing every real estate object and connecting all data systems, a unique source of information is created. During the appraisal of a property, the necessary real estate data is collected rapidly, including property details, location characteristics, market trends, and recent sale prices of similar properties in the vicinity. These data then undergo a thorough analysis, enabling advanced mathematical models to determine the property’s value with great precision. This innovative approach offers a fast, highly accurate, and entirely objective appraisal without the need for a physical inspection.

Advantages compared to a traditional appraisal

One of the most notable benefits of Desktop Valuation is the significant time and cost savings it entails. The elimination of a physical inspection eliminates costs and enhances the appraiser’s efficiency. This allows consumers to receive valuable information within hours of their request, such as for a mortgage application. Furthermore, the technological approach enables large-scale operations, considerably reducing the traditional waiting times for appraisals.

Cost of Desktop Valuation vs. tradtional alternatives

In comparison to the costs of regular appraisals, which can quickly amount to €650 or more, Homematrix Desktop Valuation offers a cost-effective alternative. The Desktop Valuation of Homematrix is significantly more affordable than traditional appraisals, making it possible for buyers and homeowners to obtain an accurate property valuation for a modest fee. This makes the service much more accessible to a broader audience.

Mortgage applications and bank regulations

Since 2021, it has been possible, under certain conditions, to finance up to 90% of a property’s purchase price based on a Desktop Valuation. However, it is important to note that various banks currently have differing rules regarding this appraisal method. Therefore, it is advisable first to contact the bank to verify if they accept Homematrix Desktop Valuation as a valid option for a mortgage application.

About Homematrix 

Homematrix is the consumer branch of Matrixian and believes that well-informed consumers are better equipped to make informed real estate decisions. Therefore, the organization sees it as its mission to provide independent property information that maximally supports property buying and selling. Whether it is a Desktop Valuation, checking the property tax assessment value, or other property information, Homematrix ensures independence and accuracy to assist in making real estate decisions.